OR 1. An Introduction to Microsoft .NET Remoting Framework (URL)
OR 2. Microsoft .NET Remoting: A Technical Overview (URL)
OR 3. Building a Basic .NET Remoting Application (URL)
OR 4. Sinks and Sink Chains (URL)
OR 5. Guia de programación de red de Beej (URL)
OR 6. Designing RMI Applications (URL)
OR 8. C# Programmer's Reference (URL)
OR 9. Java vs. C# (URL)
OR 10. Comparativa lenguajes Java y C# (URL)
OR 11. Comparativa de plataformas (poco seria) (URL)
OR 12. Comparativa de plataformas (algo más seria) (URL)
OR 13. Arquitectura de Windows Communication Foundation (URL)
OR 14. Object Serialization Analysis and Comparison in Java and .NET (URL)
OR 15. Ejemplo uso de delegates (URL)
OR 16. Towards the Future Internet - Emerging Trends from European Research
OR 17. Sevice Wen 3.0 (URL)
OR 18. Remoting Example: Asynchronous Remoting (URL)
OR 19. Delegates en .NET (URL)