

1.     M. SPIVAK: Calculus, Ed. Cambridge University Press. Fourth edition, 2008.

This classical book on Calculus is the reference for most of the theoretical material in the course. 

2.    G. STRANG and E. HERMAN et al.: Calculus volume I, edited in open access.

This book covers chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. They are studied in chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the book. 

3.     G. STRANG and E. HERMAN et al.: Calculus volume II, edited in open access.

This is the second part of the previous book and can be used for chapters 5 and 6. They are studied in chapters 5 and 6 of the book. 


1.     J. ABRAMSON et al.: Precalculus, open access. 

This book covers the mathematical basis necessary to start our course.

2.    E. ROMERA and A. DE PABLO: OCW course Matemáticas para el Acceso a la Universidad

This OCW course prepares the essential matter to start with our present course in Differential Calculus. It is written in Spanish but accessible because of the mathematical language.

3.     D. PESTANA, J.M. RODRIGUEZ, E. ROMERA, E. TOURÍS, V. ÁLVAREZ and A. PORTILLA: Curso Práctico de Cálculo y Precálculo, Ed. Ariel (Planeta), 2019.

This problems book is of great help for differential and integral calculus of one variable. It includes a summary of all the concepts, solutions to the problems, and half of the resolutions show all the details. Although it is written in Spanish, mathematics language is universal. 

4.     S.L. SALAS, E. HILLE and G. ETGEN: Calculus one and several variables, Ed. Willey, 10th edition, 2007.

5.     G. L. BRADLEY and K.J. SMITH: Calculus, Ed. Pearson, 2012.

6.     T.M. APOSTOL: Mathematical Analysis, Ed. Addison-Wesley, 1974.

This book consists of a deep study of the Mathematical Analysis of one and several variables, Lebesgue integration and Complex Variables. An excellent compilation of  Mathematical Analysis. It goes one step ahead of the present course.

Última modificación: jueves, 6 de julio de 2023, 11:19