MODULE I. Introduction
- Introduction to electronic circuits and signals
- Electronic circuits analysis (RLC)
- Electronic circuits analysis – Exercises
- Laboratory instrumentation and measurement techniques
- Passive Components
MODULE II. Basic Electronic Devices
- Fundamentals of semiconductor devices
- Analysis of diode circuits
- Diodes and applications
- Diode applications – Exercices
- End of the First Thematic Block – First partial test
- Introduction to bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
- Analysis of DC circuits with BJT (polarization) – Exercices
- Introduction to field-effect transistors (FET)
MODULE III. Electronic Amplification
- Introduction to signal amplification with electronic circuits
- The transistor as amplifier (small-signal)
- Single-stage amplification circuits
- Amplifiers with BJT transistors – Exercises
- Amplifiers with FET transistors – Exercises
- Frequency response of transistor amplifiers
- Frequency response of transistor amplifiers – Exercises
- End of the Second Thematic Block – Second partial test
MODULE IV. Multi-stage amplifiers and Operational Amplifier
- Multi-stage amplifiers
- Multi-stage amplifiers – Exercises
- Introduction to the ideal operational amplifier
- Analysis of practical circuits with operational amplifiers – Exercises
- Case Study 1 – High frequency multiple-stage amplifier (cascade)
- Case Study 2 – Audio multiple-stage amplifier
- End of the course – Final exam
Last modified: Monday, 16 May 2022, 4:28 PM