1. Brief History of Artificial Intelligence.
2. Computer Languages History. (URL)
3. O'Reilly: The History of Programming Languages (poster).
4. Games & Puzzles.
5. Game AI page.
6. Daniele Benedettelli. Programming LEGO NXT Robots using NXC (beta 27 or higher). Version 2.1, Apr 9, 2007.
7. John Hansen. Not eXactly C (NXC) Programmer's Guide. Version 1.0.1 b31. July 12, 2007.
8. Conductismo y cognitivismo, ruptura entre dos teorías. (URL)
9. AITopics: Expert Systems.
10. SWI Prolog Home. (URL)
11. Jess Home.
12. The history of fuzzy logic. (URL)
13. Seven truths of fuzzy logic.
14. Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java. (URL)
15. Weka´s Wiki.