

BR 1. D.A. PATTERSON y J. L. HENNESSY. Estructura y Diseño de Computadores: Interficie circuitería/programación. Ed Reverté, 2000.

BR 2. J. L. HENNESSY y D.A. PATTERSON. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach. Fourth Edition. Ed Elsevier 2007.

BR 3. J. SILC et al,. "Processor Architecture". Springer Verlag, 1999.

BR 4. J.P. SHEN y M.H. LIPPASTI. Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of superscalar processors. Ed Mac Graw Hill 2005.

BR 5. K. HWANG. Advanced Computer Architecture. McGraw-Hill, 1993.


BR 6. A.R. OMONDI. The Microarchitecture of Pipelined and Superscalar Computers. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

BR 7. H. S. STONE. High Performance Computer Architecture. Ed Addison Wesley, 1993.

BR 8. P. M KOGGE. The Architecture of Pipelined Computers. Ed Mc Graw Hill, 1981.

Last modified: Friday, 25 March 2022, 1:36 PM