1. Lec 15 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | Abstract data types (YouTube).
2. CS 106B, Spring 2015, STACKS AND QUEUES, Stanford University (YouTube).
3. CS 106B Lecture: Linked Lists, Stanford University (YouTube).
4. CS 106B Lecture: Recursion, Stanford University (YouTube).
5. CS 106B Lecture: Big-Oh and Algorithm Analysis, Stanford University (YouTube).
6. CS 106B Lecture: Binary Trees: basic concepts, Stanford University (YouTube).
7. CS 106B Lecture: Binary Trees: traversals, Stanford University (YouTube).
8. CS 106B Lecture: Binary Search Trees: concepts, Stanford University (YouTube).
9. CS 106B Lecture: Binary Search Trees: removing, Stanford University (YouTube).
10. CS 106B Lecture: Graphs: basic concepts, Stanford University (YouTube).
11. CS 106B Lecture: Graph Implementation, Stanford University (YouTube).
12. CS 106B Lecture: Graphs: Depth-first search (DFS), Stanford University (YouTube).
13. CS 106B Lecture: Graphs: Breadth-first search (BFS), Stanford University (YouTube).
14. Merge-sort, Harvard University (YouTube).
15. Quick-sort with Hungarian folk dance (YouTube).