1. EMP Pulsed Coil Demo (YouTube).
2. Animated: How locks works! (YouTube).
3. How locks work (YouTube).
4. Transparent Lock Lockpicking Demo (YouTube).
5. How raking works - Lockpicking (YouTube).
6. how to pick a lock by 5h40573r (YouTube).
7. Lock picking by one bump key Mul-T-Lock 3in1 and Classic www.locks.su (YouTube).
8. Mul-T-lock picking (YouTube).
9. Lock Picking 31 - Four Different Combo Locks (YouTube).
10. Radio Tomographic Imaging (YouTube).
11. Through-Wall Tracking With Wireless Networks (with description) (YouTube).
12. Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards Experiment 1/2 (YouTube).
13. Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards Experiment 2/2 (YouTube).