

MR 1. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer: "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception". (URL)

Extract from the book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944), a seminal text of the Frankfurt School.

MR 2. Pierre Bourdieu: "On Television - Part One". (URL)

Extract from the book On Television (1996, english edition 1998), by the late French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.

MR 3. Newton N. Minow: "Television and the Public Interest", address to the National Association of Broadcasters, Washington, D.C., May 9, 1961. (URL)

MR 4. Glen Creeber: "The Joy of Text? Television and Textual Analysis". Critical Studies in Television, 1:1, Spring 2006.

MR 5. Concepción Cascajosa: "Review of the book Television Studies by Toby Miller". Quaderns del CAC 37, vol. XIV (2) - December 2011 (URL)

MR 6. Andreas Fickers: "Presenting the 'Window on the World' to the World. Competing Narratives of the Presentation of Television at the World's Fairs in Paris (1937) and New York (1939)". Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television, 28:3, 2008. (URL)

MR 7. Elihu Katz: "Media Events: The Sense of Occasion". Studies in Visual Communication, 6:3, 1980. (URL)

MR 8. Steve Anderson: "History TV and Popular Memory".

Chapter from the book Television Histories: Shaping Collective Memory in the Media Age, Gary R. Edgerton and Peter C. Rollins, eds. (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2001).

MR 9. Caryn James: "A Day of Terror: A Critic's Notebook - Live Images Make Viewers Witnesses to Horror", The New York Times, September 12, 2001. (URL)

MR 10. Sarah Cardwell: "Television Aesthetics". Critical Studies in Television, 1:1, Spring 2006.

MR 11. Máire Messenger Davies: "Television: a Creative Industry? Who Are the TV Storytellers?". Conference on ‘The Work of Stories’, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 6-8th 2005.

MR 12. Concepción Cascajosa: "Narciso Ibáñez Serrador, an Early Pioneer of Transnational Television". Studies in Hispanic Cinemas, 7:2, 2010. (URL)

MR 13. Jonathan Gray and Jason Mittell: "Speculation on Spoilers: Lost Fandom, Narrative Consumption and Rethinking Textuality". Particip@tions, 4: 1, May 2007. (URL)

MR 14. Silvio Waisbord: "McTV: Understanding the Global Popularity of Television Formats". Television & New Media, 5:4, 2004. (URL)

Last modified: Friday, 1 April 2022, 1:45 PM