Machine Learning I
Theorethical and Lab hours: 10.5 (theoretical) 10.5 (lab hours)
Total hours: 21 hours
The main goals of this course are:
Specific skills:
- To identify and select software tools suitable for the treatment of large amounts of data
- To design systems for processing data, from the collection and initial filtering, statistical analysis, and the submission of final results
- To use techniques and operation research tools in procedures with massive data for analysing or displaying results in decision support systems
- To apply the basic and fundamental principles of machine learning to design procedures and improving them
- To identify the opportunity to use machine learning to solve real problems
- To perform detailed analysis and design of applications based on machine learning
Learning outcomes:
- Basic and fundamental knowledge of machine learning
- Understanding of basic machine learning techniques
- Practical application of basic machine learning techniques in real problems
- Capacity for analyzing the most appropriate tasks for each technique
- To understand when to use machine learning techniques for solving real problems
Slides and tutorials used during the lectures are provided.
Several labs for learning Python, Scikit-learn, and pySpark are provided as Python notebooks.
The course features three assignments: one for assessing basic Python programming, one for assessing basic Machine Learning concepts with Scikit-learn, and a final one for Spark.