
Bibliografía Básica

1. A.J. van de Goor. Computer Architecture and Design. Addison-Wesley.

2. Alan Clements. The Principles of Computer Hardware. Oxford University Press.

3. Bernard Sklar. Digital Communications. Fundamentals and Applications. PTR Prentice Hall.

4. Hwei Hsu, PhD. Analog and Digital Communications. (Schaum's urline Series). McGraw-Hill.

5. M.Morris Mano. Computer System Architecture. Prentice Hall International Editions.

6. Ravi Sethi. Programming Languages. Concepts and Constructs. Addison-Wesley.

7. Ribagorda, A. y otros. Informática para la empresa y técnicas de programación. Ceura.

8. T. William Olle et al. Information System Methodologies. IFIP.

Bibliografía de Referencia

1. George W. Gorsline. Computer Organization: Hardware Software. Prentice Hall International Editions.

2. Prieto, A.; Lloris, A; Torres, J.A.. Introducción a la Informática. McGraw Hill.

3. Stephen D.Burd. System Architecture. Hardware and Software in Business Information Systems. Boyd and Fraser Publishing Company.

Última modificación: jueves, 7 de abril de 2022, 11:46