
1. Wolfram-Alpha: EDOs.  

Web resource that allows solving ordinary differential equations following the format of the example models.

2. Symbolab.com: EDOs

Web resource that allows solving ordinary differential equations, showing step by step their resolution.

3. Wolfram-Alpha: Matrices

Useful web resource for matrix operations and, in particular, to obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

4. Symbolab.com: Variables separables

Calculator of differential equations of separable variables.

5. Scilab.org

Free open source software for digital computing..

6. gnu.org: octave

Free software that emulates Matlab's capabilities.

7. mathworks.com/videos.  

Collection of 12 videos that shows an introduction to numerical methods (Euler, Runge-Kutta, ...) for ODEs. The Matlab toolkit for solving ODEs is also introduced.

Last modified: Thursday, 24 March 2022, 12:28 PM