Operating Systems
Hours: 3 credit theory (75 hours) and 3 credits labs and exercises (75 hours).
Total time for learning: 150 hours distributed in 15 weeks.
The Operating Systems are the computer systems managers and at the same time the system interface seen by the application and system programmers. They provide a virtual machine visión, hides the underlying hardware complexity, and they in constant evolution with the hardware.
The idea of this course is to provide the student with the knowledge necessary to exploit the system functionalities and to allow them to understand the basic concepts related with OS. Thus, questions such as: What is an OS? What is this for? How does it work? Will be answered to the students in this course that will allow them to know major OS functionalities and the main services that they it offer, the services offered by the rest of the system and its main components and entities ( processes, memory , files, etc. ) , concurrency concepts and relationships OS with other software and hardware on your computer
To complete the view of the students, a basic idea of the internal structure of a OS will be provided, showing the relation with the rest of the software and hardware. However, internal design is not covered in deep in this course. It is covered for an Operating Systems Design Course.
The aim of this course is that the student knows the role of extended machine operating system, the services offered by the rest of the system and its main components and entities (processes, memory, files, etc. ), the concepts of competition and relations with the rest operating system software and computer hardware.
Related to the following competences:
1.- General competences
- Analysis and synthesis (PO: b, e, g)
- Planning and organization (PO: b, c, h)
- Problem solving (PO: a, e, k)
- Collaborative work (PO: d)
- Capacity to apply theoretical concepts (PO: a, b, c, e, f, i, k)
2.- Specific competences (CECRI5, CECRI10).
2.1.- cognitive (PO: a, b, c, e, f, h, k)
- Operating system concepts
- Knowing the main features, functionality, and structure of the Operating Systems.
- Concurrency concepts
- Operating system programming and design of applications based on OS services.
- Resource management in operating systems
2.2.- Instrumental (PO: b, c, e, k)
- Programming with operating system calls
- Programming concurrent applications
- Desinning utilities on the operating system
- Using tools to monitorize and management of the operating systems
2.3 Attitude (PO: e, g, h, i)
- Creativity
- Critical vision of the operating systems
- Quality aspects and operating systems
- Motivation
- Interest for finding new solutions with operating systems
For the part of theory transparencies of the issues presented and recommended readings are included.
For the part of exercises statements of exercises for different subjects, including solutions thereof are included.
For the practical part the statements of the practices to develop and support materials for students are included. Solutions practices are not included.
The course includes materials such as exams, both partial and the whole course. Their solutions are included.
Autotests, with 15 questions, are also included for the end of the course. The solutions are provided in a separate file.