ET 1. Test dinámico 1 (H5P). Autotest 1 (PDF)
Autotest type of 15 questions. There are only 1 answer. To correct this, for every 3 errors you should take a correct answer.
ET 2. Test dinámico 2 (H5P). Autotest 2 (PDF)
Autotest type of 15 questions. There are only 1 answer. To correct this, for every 3 errors you should take a correct answer.
ET 3. Test dinámico 3 (H5P). Autotest 3 (PDF)
Autotest type of 15 questions. There are only 1 answer. To correct this, for every 3 errors you should take a correct answer.
ET 4. Exam 1 (PDF)
ET 4.1. Exam 1 Solution (PDF).
Type examination of the subject. General evaluation.
ET 5. Exam 2 (PDF)
ET 5.1. Exam 2 Solution (PDF).
Type examination of the subject. General evaluation.
ET 6. Exam 3 (PDF)
ET 6.1. Exam 3 Solution (PDF).
Type examination of the subject. General evaluation.