
EP 1. First assignment: Python programming for feature extraction (PDF)

Simple introductory assignment for practising some Python programming in the context of feature extraction.

EP 2. First assignment: Python notebook for the assignment (ipynb) (DOC)

Now the student must complete this Jupyter notebook.

EP 3. First assignment: Datasets for the assignment (ZIP)

The two datasets required for this assignment.

EP 10. Second assignment, part I: Notebook for the first part of the second assignment (ipynb) (DOC).

The students must follow through this notebook, which is self-explanatory.

EP 11. Second assignment, part II: explanation for part II (PDF)

The second part of the second assignment classifies digits using machine learning techniques in Python.

EP 12. Second assignment, part II: SEMEION dataset (npy)

It contains the SEMEION dataset in npy binary format.

EP 30. Third assignment: programming with SPARK (PDF)

Third assignment: programming with Spark MLib.

EP 31. Third assignment: Python notebook (ipynb) (DOC)

Third assignment: programming with Spark MLib.

EP 32. Third assignment: a guide to the solution (PDF)

Third assignment: programming with Spark MLib.

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 April 2022, 1:39 PM