Next, exercises related to modules 1 and 4 of this course and their solutions are presented. Module 1 exercises allow students to practice mathematical skills that will be needed to solve the exercises of next modules. In module 4 exercises, students will practice simple encryption and decryption techniques using classical cryptographic algorithms. Modules 2 and 3 do not have exercises associated as they are mostly theoretical.
EP 1.1. Exercises of Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF).
EP 1.2. Solutions of Exercises of Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF).
EP 1.3. Exercises of Module 4. Classical cryptography and its cryptanalysis (PDF).
EP 1.4. Solutions of Exercises of Module 4. Classical cryptography and its cryptanalysis (PDF).
Next, a set of exercises with their solutions will allow students to practice with the numerical and algorithmic methods used in current cryptosystems.
EP 2.1. Exercises of Module 5. Symmetric encryption: Block ciphers (PDF).
EP 2.2. Solutions of Exercises of Module 5. Symmetric encryption: Block ciphers (PDF).
EP 2.3. Exercises of Module 6. Symmetric encryption: Stream ciphers (PDF).
EP 2.4. Solutions of Exercises of Module 6. Symmetric encryption: Stream ciphers (PDF).
EP 2.5. Exercises of Module 7. Asymmetric encryption (PDF).
EP 2.6. Solutions of Exercises of Module 7. Asymmetric encryption (PDF).
EP 2.7. Exercises of Module 8: Key distribution and management (PDF).
EP 2.8. Solutions of Exercises of Module 8: Key distribution and management (PDF).
Next is a set of exercises, and their solutions, that will allow the student to practice the numerical and algorithmic methods contemplated in the current message authentication mechanisms. Note that there are not specific exercises for modules 9 and 10, which address hash functions and message authentication codes. The reason is that the numerical methods of these mechanisms are discussed with less detail. Even so, exercises of modules 11 and 12 usually include simplifications of these type of mechanisms.
EP 3.1. Exercises of Module 11: Digital signature schemes (PDF).
EP 3.2. Solutions of Exercises of Module 11: Digital signature schemes (PDF).
EP 3.3. Exercises of Module 12: Public key infrastructures (PDF).
EP 3.4. Solutions of Exercises of Module 12: Public key infrastructures (PDF).
Module 13 does not have any related exercise, as it is studied in less detail than previous ones. User authentication methods addressed in this module combined algorithms and techniques studied in previous modules of this course.