
Units Suggested Learning Time Basic Learning Materials and Readings Exercises and projects Lab exercises Evaluation Tests
Module 1 15 hours

1.1. Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography:

1.1.1 Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF part 1).

1.1.2. Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF part 2).

EP 1.1. Exercises of Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF).

EP 1.2.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 1. Mathematical fundamentals of cryptography (PDF).

ET 1.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 1.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 1.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 2 2,5 hours

1.2. Module 2. Introduction to cryptography (PDF).

ET 2.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 2.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 2.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 3 7,5 hours

1.3. Module 3. Related concepts (PDF).

LB 1.1. Lab 1 part I: Entropy (PDF).

LB 1.1.1. Solutions to Lab 1 part I: Entropy (PDF).

Module 4 15 hours

1.4. Module 4. Classical cryptography and its cryptanalysis (PDF).

EP 1.3.  Exercises of Module 4. Classical cryptography and its cryptanalysis (PDF).

EP 1.4.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 4. Classical cryptography and its cryptanalysis (PDF).

LB 1.2.  Lab 1 part II: Classical cryptography (PDF).

LB 1.2.1. Solutions to Lab 1 part II: Classical cryptography (PDF).

ET 4.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 4.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 4.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 5 17 hours

2.1. Module 5. Symmetric encryption: Block ciphers (PDF).

EP 2.1.  Exercises of Module 5. Symmetric encryption: Block ciphers (PDF).

EP 2.2.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 5. Symmetric encryption: Block ciphers (PDF).

ET 5.1.  Self-assesment test  (PDF).

ET 5.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 5.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 6 7 hours

2.2. Module 6. Symmetric encryption: Stream ciphers (PDF).

EP 2.3.  Exercises of Module 6. Symmetric encryption: Stream ciphers (PDF).

EP 2.4.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 6. Symmetric encryption: Stream ciphers (PDF).

ET 6.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 6.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 6.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 7 9 hours

2.3. Module 7. Asymmetric encryption (PDF).

EP 2.5.  Exercises of Module 7. Asymmetric encryption (PDF).

EP 2.6.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 7. Asymmetric encryption (PDF).

LB 2.1. Lab 2: Symmetric and asymmetric crytography (PDF).

LB 2.2. Java code for Lab 2: Symmetric and asymmetric crytography (RAR).

ET 7.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 7.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 7.3. Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 8 9 hours

2.4. Module 8: Key distribution and management (PDF).

EP 2.7.  Exercises of Module 8: Key distribution and management (PDF).

EP 2.8.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 8: Key distribution and management (PDF).

LB 2.2.1. Solutions to Lab 2: Symmetric and asymmetric crytography (PDF).

ET 8.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 8.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 8.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 9 7 hours

3.1. Module 9: Hash functions (PDF).

ET 9.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 9.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 9.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 10 7 hours

3.2. Module 10: Message authentication codes (PDF).

ET 10.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 10.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution(PDF).

ET 10.3.  Dynamic test (H5p).

Module 11 17 hours

3.3. Module 11: Digital signature schemes (PDF).

EP 3.1.  Exercises of Module 11: Digital signature schemes (PDF).

EP 3.2.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 11: Digital signature schemes (PDF).

ET 11.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 11.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 11.3.  Dynamic test  (H5p).

Module 12 15 hours

LB 3.1. Lab 3: Digital signatures and PKI (PDF).

LB 3.2. Configuration files for Lab 3: Digital signatures and PKI (ZIP).

EP 3.3.  Exercises of Module 12: Public key infrastructures (PDF).

EP 3.4.  Solutions of Exercises of Module 12: Public key infrastructures (PDF).

LB 3.2.1. Solutions to Lab 3: Digital signatures and PKI (PDF).

ET 12.1.  Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 12.2.  Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 12.3.  Dynamic test  (H5p).

Module 13 5 hours

4.1. Module 13: User authentication (PDF).

ET 13.1. Self-assesment test (PDF).

ET 13.2. Self-assesment test . Solution (PDF).

ET 13.3. Dynamic test  (H5p).

17 hours

1. Exam 1. Statement and solution (PDF).
Final Exam . Ordinary sitting. Year 2012-2013.

2. Exam 2. Statement and solution (PDF).
Final Exam . Ordinary sitting. Year 2013-2014

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 March 2022, 12:34 PM