
ET 1.1.  Selfevaluation 1 (PDF). 

Test for the three first chapters.

ET 1.2.  Selfevaluation 1 - Solution (PDF). 

To be evaluated by the student.

ET 2.1.  Selfevaluation 2 (PDF). 

Test for the three last chapters.

ET 2. 2. Selfevaluation 2 - Solution (PDF).

To be evaluated by the student.

ET 3.1. Partial exam 1 (PDF). 

Test for the three first chapters.

ET 3.2.  Partial exam 1 - Solution (PDF).

ET 4.1.  Partial exam 2 (PDF). 

Test for the three last chapters.

ET 4.2. Partial exam 2 - Solution (PDF).

ET 5.1.  Final exam (PDF).

ET 5.2.  Final exam - Solution (PDF).

ET 6.1.  Extraordinary exam (PDF).

ET 6.2. Extraordinary exam - Solution (PDF).

Última modificación: jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022, 10:11